Well 23 years ago I ran my last 5k until today. Father time has been cruel to me it seems. Time has made me slower, heaver, my joints now complain with nightly swelling and I am clinging to the last traces of MY hair. My goals for today were simple to run the race without walking, finish around the 30 min mark and stay out of the ambulance. I think I did ok. I started a little too fast as I knew I would so I slowed down to my patented grandpa bouncy jog. And watched as the pack slowly got further away. I wasn’t in last place so my pride was still intact. At about the 3k marker there were some spectators that as I passed cheered wildly for me, I gave them the thumbs up and a smile I couldn’t get enough breath to say thanks, it gave me strength to go on and I reflected on how much friendly encouragement strengthened me when I was struggling wanting to give up and walk, it touched me so deeply I got a little teary, so with my renewed determination and boosted moral I pressed on. Of course I found out in about the next 50 yards that they weren’t cheering for me but for the grandma that was about to pass me. (they all had on pink shirts that said “BOOTY CAMP” I had seen the little old lady at the start of the race but didn’t view her as a threat on account of the walker she used to get to the starting line) well I guess that hip replacement worked out real good for her kuz she over took me and was setting a blistering 12min mile pace. But “when life gives you lemons make lemonade” I always say. So I kicked it up a notch and drafted off her for at least a good 30 yards but then reluctantly had to fall back into my “grandpa bouncy jog” (that’s ok though her knees would pop with every stride and it was creeping me out a little.) I think she even trashed talked me a little when she passed, it was hard to tell with my iPod blaring “WHAM’s greatest hits” But I’m a firm believer in karma, and karma paid off. She tripped in front of a pack of fifth grade girls and took out like five of them. As I passed the pile of the old lady and fifth grade girls and the paramedics that were trying to untangle them. She gave me the “ol stink eye” and I just smiled nodded my head and jogged on. (I wanted to come up with a good come back maybe some not so nice cat calls but I still couldn’t get enough air to talk). So I finished in 30:38 and 36th place I think there were only 40 in the race I guess some of the fifth graders never made it back in the race and had to drop out? On an up note I finished first in my class it was the over 40 under 42 between 260 and 280lbs (not really a big bracket as you might guess). I celebrated with a couple of ice packs for my knees and a refreshing chocolate ensure and several fiber tablets.