Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do what YOU do, because of who YOU are.

I was talking to my son today and he made the comment that he needed to call someone to apologize for being a jerk on the phone. He went on to say that his actions were in response to the way they had treated him earlier. It reminded me of a story that I have told my children time and time again. It goes like this…

Once upon a time; there was a young scout walking into a store he looked ahead and saw an elderly lady coming so he grabbed the door and dutifully held it open for her. She walked by without acknowledging him. He turned to enter the store as she turned to him and with a bitter tone snarled out “listen here little boy. I don’t need you to hold the door open for me because I’m old, or because I’m a woman.”  To which the boy simply smiled and said “mama I didn’t hold the door open for you because you’re a woman or because your elderly. I held the door open for you because I’m a gentleman.” With that he turned again and went on his way.

The moral of the story is this “Do what you do because of what you are” not for those around you, not because others are watching, not because it’s convenient but simply because that’s who you are.

This is a double edge sword however, if we act mean or rude we must own it as well. If that’s not who you want to be, than change. It’s that easy. But how we act is who we are, we can do better or worse, it’s up to us to decide. We cannot and should not blame others for the way we act, saying something like “well I only act that way because they are a jerk.” or “Well they cut me off.” Or “They made me so mad that I lost my temper.”  Nope! it won’t fly!  On that day when we stand before our Maker; He won’t, for a second’ buy that excuse. I am in charge and accountable for me and my actions! No one can make us act a certain way. It’s just an excuse and He expects better of us.

Good news/ bad news, no matter where you are or how you are treated, if you treat others with dignity and respect; you get to own it. (Winner, that’s who you are). If you are rude and intolerant of others regardless of the circumstances or worse because of the circumstances, you get to own that two (sadly, that’s just who you are).



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